
ResearchGate:學術界垂直社交網路平臺是一個針對科研工作者的Facebook+LinkedIn+Quora 的結合體,科研人員可在上面同其他研究員進行交流,建立自己的學術檔案並分享文獻。


這種學術社交網路對科研程序是很有促進作用的。以往是由學術會議和學術期刊作為分享科研成果的載體,這些渠道其實審稿和策展的週期很長,溝通效率並不高,且科研人員的交流也多限於小圈子內。但是憑藉像 ResearchGate 這樣的網路,可集結專攻各課題的學術人才,讓群體交流和協作把孤寂的科研工作變得高效。

現在 ResearchGate 已有 280 萬會員,人數最多的兩個領域是醫學和生物。由中科院計算機研究所做的天璣學術網想成為垂直電腦科學領域的國內版 ResearchGate。

ResearchGate was built for scientists, by scientists,with the idea that science can do more when it’s driven by collaboration.

ResearchGate began when two researchers discovered first-hand that working with a friend or colleague based on the other side of the world was no easy task. The rapid evolution of technology has opened the door to change; by providing you with the right tools, we strive to facilitate scientific collaboration on a global scale.



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