


Asseta平臺的交易方式非常簡單明瞭:將買家和賣家的資訊都公佈出來,雙方可以自由聯絡,Asseta 負責交易、支付和配送等環節,並收取 5%-10% 的佣金。Asseta則已經收集了超過2.8萬件裝置的資訊。截至目前為止,Asseta平臺銷售額達到21.2萬美元。按照二手資本裝置市場達1000億美元,交易平臺收取5%佣金來計算,Asseta的商機達50億美元。

Asseta gives your company complete visibility & control of its capital assets.

You no longer have to rely upon disjointed spreadsheets to track your organization’s equipment assets. Asseta knows where all of your assets are – locally and globally – regardless of whether they are installed at a production location or buried deep in a warehouse.

Uploading your company’s equipment to Asseta is as easy as dragging and dropping files. If your company still needs help uploading to Asseta, we offer free professional asset auditing to customers. Simply apply below, and depending on your location and status of the assets, we will assign an Asseta professional auditor.



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