
FlowReader:社交化RSS線上閱讀器是一個將RSS 訂閱同Twitter 和 Facebook 完全整合的線上閱讀器,這邊看完訂閱內容,那邊就可以看看關注的那些人在Twitter 和 Facebook 上都在談論什麼樣的話題,有什麼值得瀏覽的評論。


免費的FlowReader 可以通過谷歌賬戶,Twitter 或者Facebook 登陸,使用谷歌賬戶登入之後,可以將訂閱的條目匯入進FlowReader 。連線社交賬號之後,還能通過時間軸來看到朋友的更新。管理訂閱條目也很方便,加星標以及分享條目到各種社交網站也是很方便的。

Google Reader may be powering down as of July 1st, but that doesn’t mean you have to say goodbye to your feeds. We’re here to help. Use our importer to add your feeds to FlowReader and give your content a new home.

FlowReader lets you easily organize your information using content filters. View everything together, or separate the feeds from your Facebook and Twitter accounts. Customize your experience to fit your content needs.



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