


在AHHHA上實現夢想的步驟很簡單:使用者可以在網站上釋出各種想法,並讓其他使用者投票,讓夠受歡迎的想法,可以透過接力的方式讓想法變得更接近市場,到了有商機的狀態時,AHHHA 就會舉辦一個比賽,讓參加者能組隊創造最終的產品。

最後,AHHHA 會試著用各種方法販賣這個產品如授權、賣給另一個公司,或直接讓它問市,實現商業化,並創造盈利。同時,期間提供幫助的人也會擁有分享利潤的權利。實現想法可能需要一段時間,不過總比坐著空想好得多,雖然並不是每個想法都能商業化,不過整個過程本著雙贏的模式,還是具有一定的吸引力。

As the founder of AHHHA.com, Matt is no stranger to bold ideas. However, as a modern day Thomas Edison, he frequently experienced being a victim to the roadblock of all good ideas—execution. He understood that the reason a lot of visionaries couldn’t leverage their ideas, was simply due to the limited amount of resources at their fingertips. Inspired by giving dimension to flat ideas and fueled by the notion of “social ideation,” Crowe set out to create an online platform that would utilize the efficiencies of technology, elegant simplicity, and the unconventional thinking of crowds to propel AHHHA.com to life.



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