Women’s Health:美國女性健康雜誌

Women’s Health:美國女性健康雜誌是一個針對女性使用者推出的一本以普及健康知識,提供生活質量,傳播時尚資訊為目的的女性時尚專刊,由美國羅代爾集團創刊和發行。在全世界19個國家發行8個版本的同期雜誌,擁有全球4100萬忠實的女性讀者。

Women’s Health:美國女性健康雜誌

《Women’s Health》雜誌涵蓋健康、美容、生活、兩性與情感以及飲食與營養等諸多內容,她倡導的是一種積極健康的生活方式,以詳盡的資料,科學的觀點,充實的內容來幫助和引導讀者預防和解決生活中的各種問題。雜誌體現四個關鍵元素:實用+貼心,乃健康雜誌不可或缺的元素;專業+活力,乃健康雜誌稀缺的元素。

Women’s Health provides active, health-conscious women with a new and much-needed kind of magazine – one that’s as smart and funny as they are; that’s founded on diligent reporting, scientific research, and intimate, entertaining writing and that never underestimates its readers or seeks to intimidate them with false ideas about what makes women worthy of admiration.

Don’t expect same-old, boring fitness advice – you’ll get short, targeted workouts that use the latest research to help you sculpt the body you’ve always wanted in record time. Pages of fresh, delicious recipes make healthy eating a treat and expert advice will empower you to take control of your health and your career.

You’ll also get practical fashion and beauty tips that work for you and sex tips that guarantee satisfaction! Whether your goal is to finally rock a bikini with confidence, get ahead at work, ace your first 10-kay or get a handle on your health niggles, Women’s Health will help you get there – and make sure you enjoy the journey!



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