
Web Designer News 網站是一個類似於Product hunt的平臺,這裡彙集了世界各地的優秀Web設計和開發人員提交的網站程式設計和開發最新行業新聞和最新技術文章,對於網頁設計師來說,每天都可以在這裡獲取最前端的設計理念。


如果你是一位設計師每天都需要通過數百個RSS訂閱來獲取自己想要的內容是不是感覺很無奈,如果自己有現成的RSS源還好說,如果沒有的話,那麼就需要滿網際網路的去找了,Web Designer News 網站為設計師提供有關於web設計和開發方面的最新新聞,並且有眾多的設計師們一起維護,各自提交自己覺得有用的技術文章,當這些優質內容彙集在一起的時候,你每次開啟都會是最新鮮的內容。

If you’re like us, you spend hours every morning browsing through hundreds of posts on your RSS feed, hoping to stumble across relevant news stories.

We built WebdesignerNews.com to provide web designers and developers with a single location to discover the latest and most significant stories on the Web.

We search through hundreds of posts on blogs, social media, and news channels, to deliver the most essential stories of the day. Our content covers quality news, fresh tools and apps, case studies, code demos, inspiration posts, videos and more.

Too busy to check back daily? Our newsletter features the most shared stories of the day. You can also favourite stories to find them easily later.

WebdesignerNews was created to support the web design community, so we welcome your feedback and suggestions.



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