





生命之聲全球夥伴組織已經聯手希爾頓推出了一個名為Global Freedom Exchange專案,這是一個面向新興和知名女性領袖的創新型多方位教育和指導專案。專案參與者奮戰在全球預防和應對兒童販賣犯罪工作的第一線。Global Freedom Exchange這個專案旨在打造一個由積極參與者組成的國際網路。


Vital Voices Global Partnership is the preeminent non-governmental organization (NGO) that identifies, trains and empowers emerging women leaders and social entrepreneurs around the globe, enabling them to create a better world for us all.

The nonprofit Vital Voices Global Partnership grew out of the U.S. government’s successful Vital Voices Democracy Initiative. The Vital Voices Democracy Initiative was established in 1997 by then-First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton and former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright after the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing to promote the advancement of women as a U.S. foreign policy goal.

Under the leadership of the Vital Voices Democracy Initiative, the U.S. government, in partnership with the Inter-American Development Bank, the United Nations, the World Bank, the Nordic Council of Ministers, the European Union and other governments coordinated Vital Voices conferences throughout the world, bringing together thousands of emerging women leaders from over 80 countries.

These conferences launched regional Vital Voices initiatives that continue to give women the skills and resources they need to lift up themselves, their communities and their countries.

The overwhelmingly positive response to the Vital Voices Democracy Initiative led to the creation of Vital Voices Global Partnership as a nonprofit non-governmental organization (NGO) in June 2000. Vital Voices is now continuing the work of advancing women’s economic, political and social status around the world, by providing skills, networking and other support to women around the world, whether they are working to increase women’s political participation in Latin America or to promote women’s entrepreneurship in the Middle East.



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