


LiveMinutes 可以為 Evernote Business 提供實時協作的功能,幫助員工們對筆記進行實時編輯,進行電話會議,並最大程度地發揮 Evernote 的功能。

比如 LiveMinutes 使用者現在可以在一個服務裡享受 Basecamp 和 Skype 兩者結合的優點(它們分別採用了不同的同步技術)。目前 LiveMinutes 支援使用者通過電話撥打、Web 撥打甚至是 Skype 等方式實現電話會議的功能,這大大提升了效率。

We are on a mission to make the world more productive. First generation cloud services have allowed people to work together in ways never possible before. We believe it is now time for teams to be able to collaborate seamlessly in real-time.

We are rewriting collaboration with real-time at its heart. Every team we have met is looking for “something” that would help them be more efficient as a group. We are writing this “something”. We build for end-user simplicity and beautiful UX. Our platform has become our everyday productivity booster, and we would love for you to be a part of it.

Since its founding late 2011, LiveMinutes users have spent more than 4 million minutes engaging in real-time collaboration. We are based in San Francisco and comprised of a passionate team of developers, designers, and real-time UX people.



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