TalentBin 從 Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Meetup, Quora 等社交網站、Github, Stack Overflow 等垂直社群上的大量使用者資料來收集一個人身份碎片;利用 PubMed 和 Behance 的資訊對藥物學、生物學和設計類職位應聘人做初步評估。其資料庫產品已經聚合了來自“數百家網站”的超過 5 億份的社交資料,每週新增上萬條記錄。
As a technology recruiter in a highly competitive market, TalentBin gives us a competitive advantage. My sourcing team quickly realized that TalentBin gives us results that other tools just can’t — helping us find many highly qualified candidates that weren’t located with LinkedIn and Google searches. With TalentBin’s search engine, it seems nobody is out of reach. We found it to be a massive timesaver and critical tool in our discovery of top talent.