
StowThat:線上家用車庫租賃平臺是一個幫助有閒置家用車庫的居民線上出租並獲得租賃的空間租賃交易平臺,在 StowThat 網站上免費提交車庫面積等資訊,網站會根據平方數折出租賃價。


目前一個僅能容納 1 輛車的小車庫租價在 180 美元 / 月左右,能容納 3 輛車的車庫租價在 450 美元 / 月左右。美國人貪多,總是願意往家裡不斷順東西,順到最後家裡都裝不下。正是這一嗜好給美國創造了一個價值 220 億美元的倉儲行業。

目前網站可供租賃的車庫還非常少。StowThat CEO 兼聯合創始人 Joe Mele 表示這將是團隊這一階段工作的重點——吸引車庫主。StowThat 網站的 Terms and Conditions 為車庫主和車庫租賃者提供了一套完整的遊戲規則。比如車庫主要負責幫助租客照料寄存物,租客不能半夜去打擾車庫主要求取回,取回日期要事先和車庫主商定。

事實上想要更好地保障雙方利益,最有效的手段是訴諸保險。但是由於車庫租賃還屬於新興行業,保險公司在定價等方面都還沒經驗,還沒設計出相關保險產品。不過別擔心,Airbnb 也經歷了同樣的過程。

We all have things we need to keep. Whether they are cherished memories, important documents, special purchases, or seasonal items, we often have more stuff than we have space. StowThat wants to help you with that. But, we noticed something. Self-storage facilities abound, but very often they are not the right solution.

 They may be difficult to get to. Or too expensive. Or hard to access, particularly if you have a car or heavy items to store. StowThat wants to help you with that, too. And, we noticed something else. With the rise of the sharing economy, people are finding that things they never considered assets – their homes, their cars – can be used by others for a small fee, and offer both sides of the equation a win-win. That is why StowThat exists. We want to connect those who have space they may not be using with those who could use the space.

We have created a marketplace where renters can easily find great places to store their stuff , save some money, and support their neighbors by paying them for the privilege. It’s pretty simple, really. And we’re here to help.



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