


Stik能夠向企業僱主推薦來自各行各業的優秀人才,包括銀行家、律師、醫生等都可以通過 Stik 找到。遷至底特律後,Stik 將對網站進行大幅改版,並將深度整合 Facebook 的時間線服務。Stik 建立的初衷是為了將口口相傳的文字資訊聚合在一起,然後對這些資料進行分析並個性化體驗。

Stik優秀的開發理念獲得了由 Detroit Venture Patners 和 North Coast Technology Investor 聯合領投,其他參與此輪融資的機構還包括 Draper Associates、First Step Found、MEDC 和 Automation Alley。

Stik is bringing authentic consumer reviews to the local professional services market. Stik helps local professionals build their business and reputation, and help consumers find trusted local professionals recommended by their friends.

Because all reviews are connected to Facebook, you can be sure that every piece of content is genuine – no anonymous reviews, no phony recommendations.

With over 2 million recommendations and reviews, is the leader for online mortgage, insurance, real estate and home services reviews.

200,000 mortgage brokers, insurance agents, real estate agents, home contractors, lawyers, accountants and countless other professionals use Stik to showcase their professional reputation and build their online referral networks.



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