

Sokikom是一家幫助 K12 教師通過遊戲調動學生學習積極性的創業公司,通過遊戲機制幫助老師激勵他們最小的學生去提升他們的數學能力。


Sokikom 的遊戲世界裡的地圖分為不同的板塊,而每個板塊都會是一個專門的數學領域。老師可以給學生自主權,也可以指導學生到某個特別的地方“戰鬥”,一個班的學生還可以用分組的形式參加,做小組學習。就跟打怪升級一樣,每個領域都會有自己的診斷評估,通過一系列問題讓數學難度隨著孩子對這方面的精通程度而加大。如果系統發現學生不懂某個特定知識點,它還會停下來將學生傳送到合適的關卡當中。

對於老師來說 ,Sokikom 提供實時報告,告訴老師一些學生對學習的掌握程度,包括迴應問題需要的時間、是否能在答錯後理解正確答案等等。在這個遊戲世界中,學生如果表現不錯,還能獲得虛擬獎勵,如有“錢”去自定義自己的卡通形象等。

As a teacher, it can be challenging to get students excited about math and to differentiate math instruction to reach every student. In the classroom, it’s also difficult to keep every student on task and engaged all day long.

Sokikom is an online program that uses positive reinforcement, social learning, and personalization to help solve these problems. It’s FREE to signup and teachers use it in 2 ways: to engage students and differentiate math instruction in the Common Core and to streamline classroom management. We’ve built and continue to improve Sokikom significantly-based on teacher & student feedback–which we believe is the way classroom products should be built.



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