


在同類型男性雜誌中,《Men’s Health》銷量增加最迅速。 擁有深厚的國際媒體運作實力,強大的《時尚》出版隊伍,與已經具有353萬發行量的國外知名男性刊物的版權合作。

在專業期刊市場的調查中,《Men’s Health》以它獨特的健康思維、新穎的編輯理念在同類型雜誌中獨樹一幟。我們所擁有的專業健康顧問和心理指導專家將在《Men’s Health》中發出最權威的男性聲音。

Fitness, nutrition, weight loss, and in general healthy lifestyle tips are for the man who wants to be in control of his life. So, there are sections on grooming and relationships too. You can subscribe to the four newsletters (like the Daily Dose newsletter) to get the health tidbits in your inbox. Men’s Health also has a well-populated forum where you can join in. if you are really fastidious about what you eat, check out the Eat This, Not That section for the best and worst of food.



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