


Kaneva是一款以3D約會為主題的虛擬世界,從開啟它的那一刻,一對身穿T恤的帥哥美女就出現在如同校園般的背景中,引導著你走入這個充滿著歡樂的3D世界。創始Christopher Klaus曾經是美國IT界的名人,一手建立了網路安全公司Internet Security Systems, Inc。但在2006年,IBM以超過10億美金的價格買下了這家公司。於是,擺脫了公司事務糾纏,又有大筆資金的Christopher終於可以實現自己當年的夢想了。




ombining a social network and a virtual world, Kaneva brings profiles and entertainment to the 3D realm in a modern-day, online digital world full of real friends and good times. Kaneva provides a whole new way — a more human way — to connect with friends online.

Kaneva members create the digital version of themselves — avatars — and then meet up in a vibrant, 3D world based on the modern day. Every Kaneva member gets a Kaneva City Loft — their own 3D space — that they can decorate and furnish in their unique style.

You can bring your favorite videos, photos, music, and games, and watch them on your 3D televisions. You can invite friends to hang out in your 3D home or meet up in any of Kaneva’s public spaces and chat in real-time. You can shop for the latest fashions or home decor, chat, dance, play games, watch TV and movies, and come back again and again to explore and have fun in an ever evolving world full of exciting people, places and entertainment.



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