JJkairbrush:Ramon Bruin3D鉛筆素描繪畫藝術網

jjkairbrush:Ramon Bruin3D鉛筆素描繪畫藝術網是荷蘭藝術家Ramon Bruin 的3D鉛筆素描繪畫作品網站,原來繪畫還有這樣一層境界,不止是立體,更超越3D。

JJkairbrush:Ramon Bruin3D鉛筆素描繪畫藝術

荷蘭的自由職業藝術家Ramon Bruin的3D視覺幻想插畫。在你眼前的這些震撼你的視覺的插畫Ramon Bruin只需要用一支鉛筆。Ramon Bruin是一位自學成才插畫師,他的每一幅作品都能創造出令人稱歎的錯覺藝術,通過對筆墨濃淡的控制,陰影以及燈光的配合,創造了一個近乎真實的三維世界,他有時還會用自己的手去“觸控”他的作品,這也許就是藝術家與藝術作品更高層次的一種溝通了吧!

Ramon Bruin is a 31 year old talented freelance artist, who graduated at the Airbrush Academie in the Netherlands. He is mostly a self-taught artist. Besides a great passion for airbrush, he also draws and paints. With experience in multiple techniques and materials like acrylic-, oil, water paints, charcoal,

paint pens, pencils and graphite he makes unique artwork.Ramon is always pushing his own boundaries.The use of multiple styles and techniques develops him in a wide variation of arts.From modern-expressionism to kick-ass airbrush designs and from photorealism to 3d optical illusion drawings.



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