


這個創業公司來自荷蘭,兩個創始人Bart Dirkx和Ruud van der Aalst認為現在的孩子在螢幕面前待的時間太長了卻沒有真正的收穫,在申請今年YC的夏季專案之前,他們已經做出了一個產品的原型,一隻類似貓頭鷹的玩具機器人。它的目標是讓這個機器人成為1-6歲的男孩、1-8歲的女孩的“朋友”,除了能根據孩子講話的內容和孩子互動甚至教孩子學習,還可以讓家長不在家的時候通過相連的軟體看到孩子在家做什麼。

這是一個基於Android平臺的機器人,基本配置如下:在Android 4.2平臺上,雙核,ARM A9處理器,1GB RAM,使用720p攝像頭。我今天在Ixi-play兩個創始人在矽谷Sunnyvale租的辦公室裡見到這個玩具機器人——“一隻貓頭鷹”,現在執行它需要一個主機,以及音響和電腦,它能做到的是識別圖片、聲音,並作出反應,例如創始人Bart Dirkx向我演示時拿了一些寫著表情和文字的卡片,例如在它眼前放“生氣”的卡片,上面有一個生氣的表情,它就會作出類似生氣的反應;如果在它眼前放一隻羊的照片,它就會發出羊的叫聲等。

當然所有的反應都是靠程式來控制,也是Bart Dirkx和Ruud van der Aalst預先設定好的,機器人捕捉和識別眼前圖片或文字的能力來自來自硬體的配置,在它的眼睛和額頭裡分別有一個攝像頭,頭頂有一個感應器,考慮到針對的使用者是孩子,機器人的“身體”是柔軟的橡膠材質。在Bart Dirkx和Ruud van der Aalst開始寫程式來控制這個機器人的時候,分別和萊頓大學、代爾夫特理工大學和霍芬大學合作獲得研究的資料。再用機器學習的第一步——人先來教機器,兩個創始人對我說目前他們還沒有限制這個機器人能識別的表情和文字,未來也會開放SDK給開發者以獲得更多的應用來使用它。

With ixi-play we bring you an advanced robot technology for an affordable price. We carefully investigated all the available consumer robot products in the market and decided we should do better. To meet the requirements for the user experience we think you should have, we had to design our platform from scratch. To offer agile and silent body motion in combination with high robustness (child-proof) we developed a special motion engine.

The camera input is used for face, card and object detection and recognition. The microphone is well suited for voice recognition and beat detection while moving. We added a touch sensor in the head and made sure you have decent sound output via the combination of a tweeter in the head and a woofer in the base. To give ixi-play the ability to show emotions we added two small displays with designed lenses to add to the expressivess of the eye animations. We also made sure you can connect ixi-play to your computer, tablet or smartphone via WiFi. Bluetooth enables you to connect your keyboard, mouse or other devices too.

Ixi-play is an Android device by itself. To make it easy for you to develop your own apps, we have taken care of the low-level stuff, like advanced motion control and some vision processing. For Android developers we will provide a Software Development Kit that takes care of this enabling you to easily write your own Apps, just like you would normally do for your tablet or smartphone and make ixi-play do amazing things. So don’t wait and become part of our developers community!



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