


在1908年德國的德累斯頓(Dresden),召開了第一次世界素食大會,併成立了國際素食聯盟。成立國際素食聯盟想法來自於法國素食協會,第一次世界素食大會由英國素食協會在國際範圍內組織籌備,並受到德累斯頓當地素食協會(Vegetarier-Bund Deutschland)的支援。自此,世界素食大會相繼在世界各地召開。本頁的右邊列出了所有的大會。

國際素食聯盟是一個非贏利的組織,它接受任何主要宗旨為倡導素食主義,且授權負責人是素食者的非贏利的組織。IVU 的贊助者可以是任何認同 IVU 的宗旨和目標的個人,家庭或組織,他們可以是素食者,也可以不是素食者。

IVU was founded in 1908 in Dresden, Germany. The idea came from the French Vegetarian Society, the first Congress was organised internationally by the British Society and locally by the Dresden Society with support from the Deutsche Vegetarier-Bund.

Since then a series of World Veg Congresses have been held on most continents and, in 2008 IVU returned to Dresden for the Centenary 38th Congress. See the list on the right and full details at The History of IVU. From 2012 this major global event has been renamed the ‘IVU World Vegfest’.



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