




Since 2001, our site has brought together a collection of people and informative articles dedicated to solving life’s everyday problems. Our growing online library features advice from experts, knowledgeable hobbyists and enthusiastic amateurs who are serious about saving you time, money, and unnecessary mistakes.

The nearly 6 million people who visit our site each month are looking for tips and directions on how to do everything under the sun. That’s just the sort of help our experts have always offered—plenty of tools and resources on how to do things more stylishly, better, faster, easier, cheaper, and even more meaningfully.

No doubt, you’re a lot like the rest of us here, the curious, the stumped, the hobbyists, and DIY addicts. Sometimes we are bent on self-improvement, and occasionally we’re the frustrated do-it-yourselfers stuck in the middle of a weekend project. Sure, life can be a challenge, but HowToDoThings was created to make certain we don’t face those challenges alone!



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