


Amy Moss在2009年建立該部落格,她本身是一位平面設計師現居於澳大利亞墨爾本,她的部落格內容把吃、喝、玩、樂用別緻語言帶給我們生活中的細膩美學,你可以把她分享的內容應用於自己的生活中去,體驗追求極致完美的生活方式。

It was June of 2009 that I started Eat Drink Chic, pursuing the epic and perhaps slightly ludicrous notion of attempting to become a full-time professional lifestyle blogger.

A graphic designer, residing in Melbourne Australia, I was frustrated with a folio that was mostly corporate and vanilla. I soon realised my destiny lay in the world of ‘pretty things’ and it was time to purse a different course…

Eat Drink Chic brings to life my passion for aesthetic details, applying them to parties, entertaining, weddings, gifting, fashion, the home and everyday life. I have a love-affair with all things paper and I regularly design stationery that readers can download for free and use in their own parties and projects.



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