
DrumPants:可穿戴式音樂裝備開發平臺是一個把音樂裝置安裝穿戴到身上的可穿戴式樂器,可以把你的腿變成能發出 100 多種聲音的一整支樂隊。你可以戴耳機玩 DrumPants,也可以運用外部揚聲器。該系統還可以通過程式設計用“拍打”執行其他操作,比如為手機靜音,或者是控制幻燈片。


DrumPants 可以讓佩戴者在任何地方創作和播放音樂,套件中的可穿戴式感測器可以輕鬆地拆卸,這也意味著襯衫、夾克或者連衣裙都可以變成一個移動的樂器。

DrumPants 配有控制盒和感測器帶。系統自帶的控制盒使每個感測器可以通過程式設計發出 100 多種內建的聲音,包括鼓、吉他、鋼琴等,使用者也可以新增自己的聲音。音符和訊號可以通過無線從 DrumPants 傳送到任何支援 MIDI 或 OSC 的應用中。

World’s first industrial quality wearable musical instrument. Watch someone play it to believe it.

Play whenever inspiration strikes.

Traditional instruments can’t be replaced, but they have not kept up with our increasingly mobile, on-the-go lifestyles. We want you to play anywhere, from jamming with friends to performing live on stage.

Our kit comes with 100+ built-in sounds, including drums, percussion, synthesizers, guitars, pianos, or make your own.

Send notes and signals from the DrumPants to any app that accepts MIDI or OSC.Loop and Layer Beats

All the functionality of a looping pedal, built into your shoe! Control looping apps like Loopy (iPad) with the DrumPants foot pedal sensor. Customize different gestures to control different parts of the software:

One tap: start looping. Two taps: overdub. Three taps: delete loop

Program additional actions, such as controlling slideshow presentations, silencing your phone, remote control your Netflix and YouTube with a simple tap.



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