
美國Complex雜誌官方網站,Complex雜誌由Marc Ecko始創於2002年,是面向年輕男子的時尚與生活雜誌。這個雜誌為主流讀者提供特定文化領域的最前沿資訊,例如波鞋文化,街頭裝束文化,嘻哈音樂文 化及平片設計等。


Complex雜誌每月發行量約30萬,目標讀者是年齡從大學生至35歲左右的都市男子。使用者可以通過其SkyDrive服務閱讀Complex雜誌的6/7月刊了,有人稱之為獨一無二的SkyDrive/媒體合作。有史以來第一次,Complex Magazine正在SkyDrive上釋出其6/7月刊的數字版,正如在此所見。這個合作展示了SkyDrive是如何走在創新科技的前端。這種方式是公司和主流媒體利用個人cloud為他們的顧客和讀者創造更好的體驗。

Complex Magazine 主要欄目時尚新聞、音樂、流行文化、體育、城市指南、藝術+設計、網際網路資訊、遊戲視訊等。

Complex is a young men’s style/lifestyle magazine founded by Marc Ecko in 2002. The publication offers mainstream readers insight into the latest trends in niche cultures, such as streetwear, sneaker culture, hip hop, and graphic art. Complex targets men that are college-aged to early 30s in urban/metropolitan areas.

 By 2005, the magazine had a monthly circulation of approximately 300,000; however, that circulation number is likely highly inflated as the magazine is sent to people who have never subscribed and it is difficult to get them to stop sending you the magazine. The maganize is rated “F” by the Better Business Bureau for failure to respond to consumer complaints; mainly involving sending the magazine to people unrequested and not stopping delivery when requested.



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