
BibMe:線上參考書目檢索工具是一個文獻格式生成網站,非常實用的參考書目線上工具,可幫助使用者檢索所需要的參考書目,包括文獻、書籍、網頁等等,自動生成 RTF 格式文件供使用者下載,省去了影印的麻煩。



BibMe is a free automatic citation creator that supports MLA, APA, Chicago, and Turabian formatting. BibMe leverages external databases to quickly fill citation information for you. BibMe will then format the citation information and compile a bibliography according to the guidelines of the style manuals. If you prefer, you can enter your citation information manually. BibMe also features a citation guide that provides students with the style manuals’ guidelines for citing references.

BibMe started in January 2007 as a student project in the Information Systems department of Carnegie Mellon University. The website was created through a combination of Ruby on Rails and AJAX, with most of the team developing in Ruby on Rails for the first time! BibMe was designed with the goal of taking the hassle out of creating a bibliography. We felt that after spending weeks working on an essay or research paper, the last thing a student wants to do is spend countless hours formatting citations. We wanted to create a tool that would enable our users to spend more time working on their essays and research papers, and less time worrying about their bibliographies.

After a semester of development, went live in May 2007. The website caught the attention of students and educators alike, finding uses in the classroom setting. Our final year at school was spent improving and enhancing BibMe. Although we have since graduated, we have continued updating BibMe to make it your comprehensive source for all citation services. BibMe has come a long way since its inception as an academic project, but we never forget about the students using our service and we are committed to keeping BibMe free.



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