


AirStream公司房車產品已經形成完整的產品線,旗下產品具有Sport(運動)、Classic Limited、Panamerica(泛美)、Flying Cloud(飛雲)、International(國際)、Victorinox Special Edition(瑞士軍刀特殊版房車)6個拖掛式房車品牌與Interstate(州際)自行式B型房車品牌。

美國AIRstream品牌是AMERICAN ICON美國精神象徵之一,其在中國取名“飛雲”。 AIRSTREAM 隸屬於THOR索爾集團,世界最大的拖掛房車生產企業。自1931年創立以來,基於創始人 Wally“沒有改變,只有改良”的執著追求,該房車已經真正成為了一個美國的傳奇。

In 1931, Airstream began with Wally Byam’s dream: to build a travel trailer that would move like a stream of air, be light enough to be towed by a car and create first-class accommodations anywhere.

Every inch of an Airstream has a function. Airstream is the most thoroughly tested Airstream in trailer history. Its engineering is the culmination of over 80 years of experience plus millions of miles on roads throughout the world.With Airstream, there is no planned obsolescence. Airstreams of the thirties are still on the road today, sturdy and modern as ever. They are intended as a lifetime investment in happiness.



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