


每當你註冊一個網站或是線上購買一些東西時,你是在把自己的資訊委託給這些公司——你的 email 地址,一個登陸賬戶,或者你的銀行卡號。但你有沒有想過:你為什麼要在網路上給他們提供你的真實資訊,有沒有可能不提供這些敏感資訊?MaskMe專為解決此類問題而出現。

它是一款瀏覽器外掛,由 DoNotTrackMe 的製作方Abine出品。它允許你隱藏自己的真實資訊,並用生成的假 Email 地址、信用卡號甚至手機號碼取而代之。這些假資訊則指向真實內容。

Email 偽裝是免費的。每當你請求一個新地址時,它就會幫你生成一個。發往該地址的郵件會在被儲存到 Abine 上的同時,轉發到你的主郵箱中。這讓攔截不想要的郵件 (Abine 叫它 ” 一個總能解決問題的退訂按鈕 “) 變得簡單——使用者只需要點選 “Block” 按鈕就能阻斷某個假郵箱到主郵箱的連線。而且因為每個一次性地址都跟一個網站相關聯,所以你可以準確地看到誰開始亂髮郵件。

偽裝登入——同樣免費——也是相似的創意。當你被要求在一個表單中輸入密碼時,MaskMe 會在輸入框下方彈出選項 (如上圖所示),詢問你是否需要自動生成一個密碼。這些密碼會被加密儲存到 Abine 的伺服器上,它們會與一個加密的主密碼關聯。不過經過半小時的試用後我們發現它並沒同類型的產品做得好:雖然儲存登入資訊簡單快速,但取回它們卻有點小痛苦,而且沒有為已儲存登入資訊提供自動補全功能。好在使用者可以輕鬆關閉它的密碼管理,換用其他的解決方案。

Abine 也提供每月 5 美元的高階服務,購買此服務後便可以偽裝自己的手機號以及信用卡號。對於語音通話,Abine 會給你一個單獨的偽裝手機號,它可以被用來在線上代替你的真實號碼。打給偽裝號碼的電話會轉到你的真實手機上,所以你無需再擔心有人能夠騷擾到你了。

偽裝信用卡允許你建立新的、一次性的信用卡號,這很像預付款的借記卡。當通過 Abine 購買東西時,收費要求會被髮送到你的真實信用卡上,向虛擬卡收費的過程則由支付處理公司WEX完成。

MaskMe 當前僅在 Chrome 和 Firefox 瀏覽器中可用,不過 Abine 說它希望未來提供對 Safari 和 IE 的支援。此外你還可以通過 iOS 和 Android 上的應用來管理已儲存的登入資訊和偽裝 Email。不過他們雖然可以免費下載,但需要訂閱每月 5 美元的高階服務。

The idea of privacy certainly isn’t a new notion–after all, nearly all of us have curtains on our windows–but our founders Andrew Sudbury, Eugene Kuznetsov, and Rob Shavell thought it was high time this notion of privacy came to the web. In a small office, above a notoriously noisy bar in Central Square, Cambridge, Abine was born. The trio built an early suite of privacy products that today make up Abine’s core tools: DNTMe, DeleteMe, and MaskMe. Now millions of people are using Abine’s products to take control over their online privacy.

Since its launch, Abine has emerged as the online privacy leader. And now that we’re on a roll, we’ve recruited a team committed to giving our users a more private web experience. Our engineers are building the next generation of web tools, our marketing and press teams are advocates for change, and our support and operations staff go beyond service to provide daily advice to those navigating the complexities of online privacy.

The idea of privacy certainly isn’t a new notion–after all, nearly all of us have curtains on our windows–but our founders Andrew Sudbury, Eugene Kuznetsov, and Rob Shavell thought it was high time this notion of privacy came to the web. In a small office, above a notoriously noisy bar in Central Square, Cambridge, Abine was born. The trio built an early suite of privacy products that today make up Abine’s core tools: DNTMe, DeleteMe, and MaskMe. Now millions of people are using Abine’s products to take control over their online privacy.

Since its launch, Abine has emerged as the online privacy leader. And now that we’re on a roll, we’ve recruited a team committed to giving our users a more private web experience. Our engineers are building the next generation of web tools, our marketing and press teams are advocates for change, and our support and operations staff go beyond service to provide daily advice to those navigating the complexities of online privacy.



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