



7 CUPS OF TEA(7杯茶)提供的服務介於家人和朋友與醫生之間,7 CUPS OF TEA可為使用者提供一個訓練有素的“積極聽眾”。使用者可以免費使用這項服務,如果願意付錢也可以。如果使用者支付了費用,7 CUPS OF TEA將收取40%的佣金。7 CUPS OF TEA上線已經八個星期了,目前該平臺上擁有160個“積極聽眾”,每個星期處理1800個傾聽請求。

7 Cups of Tea is an online emotional heath and well-being support service where people go when they need to talk to someone or need extra emotional support. We provide this emotional support through a network of trained Active Listeners who are standing by, ready to lend an ear when in need.

Our listeners come from all walks of life, and have diverse experiences. Our service makes connecting to a listener easy and convenient, while remaining completely anonymous. We use a secure bridging technology to make the connection, so neither the caller or listener’s phone number is revealed.

Unlike talking to family or friends, a 7 Cups of Tea listener doesn’t judge or try to solve problems and say what to do. Our listeners just listen. They understand. They provide empathic support.

Unlike expensive therapy, 7 Cups of Tea is convenient and affordable. There are no commitments and no time limits. Anyone can connect as little or as often as they like.



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