
TheDiplomat:美國外交官亞太時事雜誌是美國的一個新聞雜誌網站,由David Llewellyn-Smith等人於2001年創辦;該雜誌的主要內容側重報道亞太地區的政治、文化和社會三個方面。


TheDiplomat雜誌的稿件由特寫文章和包括中國力量(China Power)、海軍外交(The Naval Diplomat)、印度十年(Indian Decade)等在內的8個部落格組成。其主要的專欄作者和博主有美籍華人裴敏欣(Minxin Pei)、哈德遜研究所高階研究員理查德•懷茲(Richard Weitz)、美國《民族報》作家羅伯特•德萊福斯(Robert Dreyfuss)等人。

Since its launch in 2002, The Diplomat has been dedicated to quality analysis and commentary on events occurring in Asia and around the world. The Diplomat reaches an influential audience of commentators, policymakers and academics with its in-depth treatment of regional issues.

The Diplomat provides expert coverage on:

• Geo-political trends throughout the Asia-Pacific

• Defence and intelligence

• Environment, human security and development

• Arts, social trends and popular culture

Editorial:James Pach Editor、Zachary Keck Associate Editor、Ankit Panda Associate Editor、Shannon Tiezzi Associate Editor、J.T. Quigley Assistant Editor.



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