


Telegram釋出了一個賭注,第一個能夠破解其加密資訊的黑客將獲得其 20 萬美元的獎金,資金由 Telegram 投資人 Pavel Durov 提供。如果你喜歡鼓搗 hack 的話,不妨可以看看 Telegram 這次的比賽,具體要求是你需要破解 Pavel 和他哥哥 Nikolai 用 Telegram 進行的日常資訊交流,並從中擷取一個祕密的 email 地址,之後你就只需要把當日解密後的資訊內容傳送到那個 email 地址,它就會回覆你一個比特幣的收款地址,也就是你的獎金。


Telegram 是一款專注於保護隱私安全的通訊應用,類似的活動不僅可以顯示自己在安全技術方面的信心,也可以讓世界上的黑客幫助自己尋找系統可能的漏洞。讓使用者看到他們的應用是經得起考驗的。

Telegram 中文化教程:步驟很簡單,開啟後面網址加入中文化頻道:或者你可以在「 Telegram 」搜尋”Tele_zh”關鍵字,同樣可以找到這個頻道並加入。) 加入中文化頻道後,你會看到資訊中有最新版的「 Telegram 」語言包可以下載,下載完成後,在檔案的右上方選單裡選擇[ Apply localization file ]。

Telegram is a messaging app with a focus on speed and security. It’s superfast, simple, secure and free.

Telegram is a secure messenger that you can switch to without having to say goodbye to any of your favorite features.

With Telegram, you can create group chats with up to 100 people so you can stay connected with everyone at once. Plus, you can share videos up to 1GB, send multiple photos from the web, and forward any media you receive in an instant. All your messages are in the cloud, so you can easily access them from any of your devices.

Why Switch to Telegram?

FAST: Telegram is the fastest messaging app on the market because it uses a decentralized infrastructure with data centers positioned around the globe to connect people to the closest possible server.

SECURE: Security flaws in popular apps like WhatsApp have gotten a lot of bad press recently, so we made it our mission to provide the best security on the market.

CLOUD STORAGE: Never lose your data again! Telegram offers free unlimited cloud storage for all your Telegram messages and media that you can securely access from multiple devices.

GROUP CHAT & SHARING: With Telegram, you can form large group chats (up to 100 members), quickly share gigabyte size videos, and send all the photos you want to friends.

RELIABLE: Built to deliver your messages in the minimum bytes possible, Telegram is the most reliable messaging system ever made. It even works on the weakest mobile connections!



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