


TaPiture平臺可以說是一個發現網際網路上最新鮮最熱門內容的篩選網站,使用者可以通過分類來篩選自己喜歡的內容, 例如我喜歡藝術,那麼我就可以從中篩選出我喜歡看的內容,例如圖書,篩選出來以後如果有喜歡的書籍還可以直接去購買。個人和企業商家都可以入駐,通過精美的設計來展示自己的圖片,這樣沒準就會獲得使用者的喜歡,進而促成交易。

Tapiture is a community of tastemakers curating the best content and products all in one place. Discover, share and buy the best stuff online.

Tapiture is a place to discover, share and buy the best stuff online. Whether you are in to tech gadgets, stuff for your home, traveling abroad or just looking good, Tapiture makes it easy to explore and get the best stuff around.

You can “Tap” all the great things you find on the web, organize them into collections, and then explore other Taps and collections from your friends, favorite brands and topics of interest. This includes unique features like tapping high-resolution images, online videos, animated GIFs and more.



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