


Sproxil 與藥企合作在藥品包裝上貼一個有程式碼的標籤,只要顧客購買藥品前撕開標籤,用手機把程式碼發簡訊到產品驗證號碼上,立馬就可以得到藥品是否真實的簡訊回覆。

據世界衛生組織 (WHO) 統計,在發展中國家銷售的藥品中高達 30%是假冒的。在迦納和巴基斯坦等國家,市場上高達 50%的藥品是不合格的,這意味著它們包含藥品的劑量很低,不足以起到預期效果。據估計,每年約有 70 萬人死於假藥。從 2009 年 Sproxil 建立並在第一個藥瓶上貼上驗證標籤開始,消費者的反應可謂是立杆見影。7 個月後,用 Sproxil 驗證假藥的人數已超過兩萬,而僅兩年後,移動產品真實性認證系統已使用了 100 萬次。

假藥氾濫為真假驗證產品提供了廣大的市場,而普及的手機和電信服務又給產品提供了極為便利的媒介。不同於傳統的在藥物供應鏈過程中的防偽努力,Sproxil 的技術將藥物驗證放到最終消費者手中的移動裝置,通過通訊技術來實現。Ashifi Gogo 的常春藤大學工程專業博士的背景使得其掌握如何用簡訊和基於雲的非對稱加密和驗證技術來完成其設想——即簡單帶有編號的標籤以及強大的的後端分析。

儘管後臺分析頗為複雜,對一個想要買藥的消費者來說,只需要簡單的三步:首先刮開標籤藥物揭示 PIN 碼,然後用手機發送 PIN 碼到一個指定號碼,之後就可以等待一個簡訊回覆確認它是“真的”或“假的。”更重要的是,對消費者來說,這一服務完全是免費的。一切高昂的後臺雲端計算模型以及移動商的電信費用全部都是由使用這項產品的製藥公司和中介機構來支付。

The consequences of counterfeit pharmaceuticals result in at least 700,000 deaths per year just from fake TB and antimalarial drugs alone, yet the total fatalities that occur from failure to receive genuine medication are substantially higher. Counterfeiters often focus their efforts on emerging markets, where resources and regulations are more sparse and the consumer has minimal recourse.

Our initial goal: to make sure people got the right medicine. In order to successfully combat counterfeit pharmaceuticals, we needed to ensure that certain factors were in place — a reliable security infrastructure, widespread access to consumers, education to facilitate implementation, and overall ease of use. One thing we knew was that mobile phone technology continued to enjoy increasingly high adoption even in emerging markets. So we turned our attention to empowering consumers to use their mobile phones to join the fight against counterfeiting.



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