
SoLaYo:線上流媒體視訊聚合網是一個基於網際網路視訊資源的視訊聚合流媒體服務網站,其形態酷似Spotify的第三方網站的整合版,它聚合了 Youtube、Dailymotion(視訊分享網站)和 SondCloud(音訊分享平臺)上的內容。目前無任何版權內容。


SoLaYo在產品形態上跟 Spotify 十分相似,支援音視訊搜尋和 Radio 分類收聽。它也有其社交屬性,比如分享歌單、視訊列表給好友,評價、點贊功能。

使用方法跟使用搜索引擎一樣,進入主站後可以通過關鍵詞來搜尋你所喜歡的視訊內容,如果你使用代理以後,可以搜尋“史詩背景音樂(Epic background music)”可以獲得很多類似的視訊資源。

At Solayo we want to enhance how you Search, Play and Collect multimedia content online. We’ve all suffered the same problem of having half a dozen Youtube tabs open or waiting for another content we’re listening/watching to finish playing before embarking on searching for another one.

Well here at Solayo, we’re developing this platform in solving these problems. We believe that it is time for people to be able to search their video or music content from as many source providers out there and not only that, but the ability to listen/watch and collect these contents should be as easy and mesmerising as possible.

We’re still at a very early stage and we have a lot of ideas to make this platform unique. Therefore we’d like you to join us in making it great. Your feedbacks are also important to us. So if you have any questions, comments or ideas, please feel free to contact us via our feedback page.



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