
Reddit3016 網站是由一位名為 Blair Erickson 的人創辦,目的是滿足人們各種好奇心,試圖告訴讀者一千年以後的網際網路到底是個什麼樣子,人們都在關注什麼的新聞,該網站模仿Reddit書籤交易社群開發而成。


“To dream up all those stories, videos, and images, Erickson combined futuristic technology with what he sees as universal themes around human conversation. “If you read graffiti in Roman bath houses you see human beings make… the same silly things even thousands of years in the past. Who’s sleeping with who. What kind of foreigners disturb their xenophobic feelings. Who’s a badass. What they like, what they hate. Who is a liar in politics, etc. So I wanted to play it out in a fun futuristic way.”

在 Reddit 3016 ,發帖時間已經不用“天”,而是日照迴圈這種術語來表示。網站上的新聞靈感來源於他看的各種小說、影片和網友的評論。他回顧了一千多年前羅馬浴室上的各種塗鴉,並發現了人們在千年以來一直在做那些看上去有些愚蠢的事情。



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