全景照片分享社群全景照片分享社群是一個分享全景圖片的互動社群,所不同的是,分享者並不是使用專業的數碼相機拍攝,而是用過手機來拍攝的,你可以用全景模式拍下照片,然後通過 PanoPerfect 新增濾鏡分享到 PanoPerfect 應用內,或者分享至 Facebook、Twitter 等社交平臺。全景照片分享社群

PanoPerfect 目前總共有 17 款濾鏡可選,5 款免費,其他濾鏡 0.69 磅一款,1.49 磅一次購買所有付費濾鏡,應用免費,目前只有 iOS 版本。檢視全景照片時,只需將手指在照片上左右滑動即可。

PanoPerfect is a fun, free, and simple way to share beautiful panoramic photos on your iPhone.When sharing a panorama, choose one of 17 brilliant photo filters to apply.

Find, follow, and share gorgeous panoramic photos with friends. Panoramas go into a stream where you can comment and like your favorite ones.Receive push notifications when other people comment, like, and follow you.

See amazing photos from all over the world through the popular feed.Customize your own profile with a profile picture, cover picture, username, and bio.



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