


OmgiLi的搜尋結果絕大部分是非問答式的討論、辯論、個人經歷和民意調查等。因此,有人形容O mgili是“專門收集那些犄角旮旯裡的東西”。

Omgili is search engine for Forums and Boards. Find communities, message boards and discussion threads about any topic.

Omgili (acronym for “Oh My God I Love It”) is a vertical search engine that focuses on “many to many” user generated content platforms, such as, forums, discussion groups, answer boards and others.

This crawler based, vertical search engine, scans millions of online discussions worldwide in over 100,000 boards and forums, and is able to differentiate between discussion entities, such as, title, topic, answer and post date.Users can use Omgili to find consumer opinions, debates, discussions, personal experiences, answers and solutions.



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