
GraphicLeftovers:免版稅向量插圖網是一個創新免版稅圖片和向量插圖站點,公司的總部位於美國密蘇里州的聖路易斯。GL Stock Images成立於2008年,最初公司起名為Graphic Leftovers,從200多張全景圖片起步,現在已經成為了網上最值得推薦的向量圖片站點之一。


GL Stock Images的建立者是Daniel Errante和Kelly Jay,前者是富於創新的網路開發人員,後者是平面設計師。他們的目標是創造新鮮和獨特的圖片。

GL Stock Images成為全景圖片行業的領導者,提供在使用者支付能力範圍內的向量圖片,為藝術家和攝影師支付佣金。GL Stock Images的團隊規模已經擴大,僱傭了幾位經驗豐富的影象處理專員。

在攝影、平面設計和商業出版行業積累了寶貴的經驗。隨著新網站在2012年的逐步崛起, Graphic Leftovers 不僅僅將名字更改成為了GL Stock Images, 而且還對網站的基礎設施進行了綜合的調整和重新佈局,為賣家提供了更多的功能與選擇。

GL Stock Images is a marketplace for creative royalty-free stock photos and vector illustrations based in St. Louis, Missouri USA. GL Stock Images made its debut as Graphic Leftovers in early 2008 with a modest 200 images and has since grown to become one of the best collections of high quality vectors and images on the web.

GL Stock Images was founded by Daniel Errante and Kelly Jay, a creative web developer and graphic designer team. Their goal was to create a fresh and unique presence in the stock image industry by offering affordable image pricing and fair commissions for all contributing artists and photographers.

The GL Stock Images team has grown to include a group of seasoned image professionals with extensive experience in the photography, graphic design and commercial printing industries.

With the launch of its new website in early 2012, Graphic Leftovers not only changed its name to GL Stock Images, but also implemented an entire regrade of its web architecture in order to better serve customers and offer more comprehensive features for sellers.



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