
GetYounity:跨平臺私有云服務平臺是一個幫助使用者輕鬆訪問所有裝置中的檔案,由Entangled Media公司融資 350 萬美元開發而成,Younity 並不關心你使用的何種裝置,而是幫助使用者可以隨時訪問儲存在各種裝置中的檔案。


Younity 的功能同蘋果的 iClould 類似,通過在使用者的所有裝置之上搭建一個私有云,使用者可以通過 Younity 提供的服務訪問儲存在任何裝置中的檔案(包括照片、視訊、音樂、文件等)。它同 iCloud 最大的不同之處在於,Younity 提供的服務是跨平臺的,同時支援Mac & Windows 平臺,以及iOS裝置 (Android 及 Linux 版仍在開發中)。

younity is brought to you by Entangled Media, a company focused on changing the relationship between people, data and devices. While we obviously design and build software/online services, we consider ourselves a user experience company.

Our design philosophy is structured around user behavior and unlocking the potential we all see in the technology and content around us. That is, the potential for it to exist simultaneously everywhere for us to access easily and on-demand.



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