


YUDUfree平臺擁有豐富的雜誌、免費電子書和其他數字內容,使用者可以瀏覽數以千計的免費數字雜誌,也可以釋出自己的數字雜誌、電子圖書、數字小冊子, 只需上傳您的PDF建立搜尋引擎友好的的翻頁出版物,可以通過電子郵件或新增到您的網站。建立自己的個性化庫來儲存和分享您的內容。

YUDUfree is a Digital Publishing library and marketplace that lets you read, publish, buy, sell and share digital content.YUDUfree is all about your interests and expertise and how you share them with others.

It’s a free library of digital content to read and explore. Find eBooks, magazines, and other documents as well as photos, music and podcasts and bookmarks and add them to your own library.Create your own interest groups and join other people’s, to share your passions, experiences and knowledge with like-minded users.It’s a place where you can self publish your expertise and creative work online, to promote, share or sell to the world.At the heart of YUDUfree is an award winning multimedia publishing system that brings together the power of the written word, video, audio and images.Quite simply, it’s a place for you… where YUDU it all free.



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