
FortyDaysofDating:40天戀愛實驗網是一段為期 40 天戀愛實驗專案的產物,該網站以圖、文、視訊的形態講述了兩個好朋友之間的真實的戀愛實驗。


Jessica Walsh 和 Timothy Goodman 本是一對好友,同為自紐約設計師,這一男一女在尋找真愛情的路上遇到了截然相反的困境,Jessica 是個悲觀浪漫主義,往往深陷其中無以自拔,Timothy 則害怕在愛情中承擔責任,常常在愛情中做遊戲。他們是如何尋求出路的呢?

他們開始了一個實驗:相約開始一次為期 40 天的戀愛實驗,並把他們的故事與許許多多網友分享。他們正在兩人共同的網站 40daysofdating 上講述著這個故事。這場戀愛開始於 2013 年 7 年 10 號,預計結束於 8 月 22 日,這是我所聽聞的最不可思議的現實版網路劇。關注他們的生活、閱讀他們的故事已成為這些天來我生活中的必修課。

40daysofdating 這樣一個實驗啟示了網際網路蘊藏的創新可能性。當作為媒體生產者的個體把網路和移動網際網路當作個性化、全新的介質時,這將導致全新媒體形態的生成,人們無須再從既有的媒介內容中提取素材再改編成數字內容。

What do you do when you’re tired of the prospect of dating? Two good friends with opposite relationship problems found themselves single at the same time. As an experiment, they dated for 40 days.

Love is a central theme in humanity across time and cultures. It’s one of the main topics in music, film, novels, poetry, and art. But what exactly is it, and why do we all approach it so differently? How does it affect us so deeply that sane people have gone mad over it?

The dating life in New York City can grow tiresome and wearing. Tim is afraid of commitment, often dating many girls at once, and he’s losing sight of what a healthy relationship means. Jessica is a hopeless romantic, jumping into relationships too quickly, always looking to find “the one.”

It’s been said that it takes 40 days to change a bad habit. In an attempt to explore and hopefully overcome their fears and inadequacies, Tim and Jessica will go through the motions of a relationship for the next 40 days: the commitment, time, companionship, joys and frustrations. Can they help each other, or will they fall into their same habits? Will they damage their friendship? What if they fall in love?



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