


開啟 Expereal,你可以在首頁上對你的一天進行打分,然後你可以標註地點、人物,新增標籤或附圖。通過一個下拉選單,你還可以檢視一天內、一週內或者一個月內你所打的分數的綜合圖,也可檢視到同樣在使用 Expereal 的 Facebook 好友或者所有使用者的分數,以進行對比。點選“Expereotype”選項則出現你在該應用內所有嵌入分數、標籤、地點的圖片的合輯。

Expereal 設計精美,極簡主義的風格深受中世紀加利福尼亞設計風格、平面設計師 Reid Miles 以及 Monocle 雜誌的影響。Cohen 依靠一己之力開發了這個應用,現在也在積極尋找投資者並探尋一些盈利模式。他認為未來將出現一個為滿足人們提高生活水平的需求而建的生態系統,其中囊括了書籍、研討會等。

Expereal is an iPhone app that allows you to rate and analyze your life through data visualization and analytics, and anonymously compare your ratings with friends and other users.

In the version 2.0, released March 20, 2013, you will be able to:

1、Login with Facebook (Only means of login);

2、Rate your life in the moment on a 10 point scale;

3、Capture location, description tags, people and a photo;

4、Crop & Scale the photo with rating, tags and location embedded;

5、Share photo with embedded rating, tags and location to Facebook;

6、Review photos, ratings and tags via Expereotype menu item;

7、Receive push message reminders to enter ratings up 5X per day;

8、Compare ratings with Facebook friends and other anonymous users;

9、Review past ratings in weekly and monthly views on the Visualize screen.



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