
CourseBuffet:自助選式公開課索引網是一個網路公開課索引網站,創始人布魯斯•博爾頓(Bruce Bolton),幫助使用者篩選網路上優秀的公開課,並幫助使用者發現和分享更優秀的視訊教育資源。


Course Buffet網站列出了來自各家 MOOC 供應商的 500 多門課程,還給每門課打了一個難度等級(例如心理學入門),幫助選課的人循序漸進,由淺入深。博爾頓希望以賣廣告作為盈利方式,比如向學生們傳送認證公司的招聘資訊。

博爾頓計劃新增一項“網上成績單”的功能,將每個使用者完成的 MOOC 用列表顯示出來。他說:“目前還沒有辦法證明你都上過哪些課——這一點我們還需要努力,而這個功能會給你一個給人看的東西。”

CourseBuffet lists over 500 college courses from many different providers and universities. No need to spend time going to many websites to find all the choices available.

We classify almost every course and give it a CourseBuffet level. This allows you to find courses that are similar so you can compare. See courses side by side with ratings, reviews, and course descriptions and then pick the one best for you.

Easily find, compare, and save courses,from leading platforms and universities.Over 500 courses to choose from.Spend your time learning not searching!

Save the courses you are interested in all in one place no matter who the provider is. Create a CourseBuffet account in less than 30 seconds and now you have a quick and easy way to access all the courses you are interested in and a way to show and share what you are taking.



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