
Artcorgi:繪畫委託創作交易平臺是一個可以讓普通使用者定製自己喜歡的繪畫作品的線上交易平臺,既允許使用者表達自己的意志,又讓畫師保持個性獨創性。ArtCorgi 支援第三方擔保交易,讓買家和賣家都可以方便的進行交易。


繪畫是表達個人意志的一種手段,但很多人卻沒這種才能,同時也看不上大規模生產的純商業畫,找大師給你畫畫兒這想法純屬 YY,畫作委託創作交易平臺ArtCorgi就是解決那些想要擁有自己夢境中的虛幻變為真實的真實存在。

一方面設計師會在 ArtCorgi 平臺上上傳自己的代表作品,使用者根據繪畫種類(鋼筆、水彩、數字向量圖等)、主題、價格等設定定製作品。另一方面,ArtCorgi 還提供了一定的協商機制,使用者可以在特定畫師頁面上傳參考作品,對顏色、感情色彩、衣服、姿勢、搭配元素進行細節描述,畫作用途也需講清楚,如電腦桌面、手機桌布、賀卡等。而後 ArtCorgi 會把畫師創作的 草圖給使用者過目,如果使用者覺得不夠達意還可及時做出修改(不過為節省時間僅此一次)。其實使用者買到的只是作品的數字版,不過 ArtCorgi 也可對接供列印服務。

不過不排除某些使用者在成品出來之後,堅持認為作品跟“商定”的簡直面目全非,這時 ArtCorgi 會把該畫作交給網路內由其他 5 名藝術家組成的評審組做出決定。

但不得不考慮的一個顧慮是,有些畫師基本處於”隱形”狀態,常年不接活兒,這自然就增加了使用者找到合適畫師的成本,因此對於這樣極不活躍的畫師,ArtCorgi 將會將他們“封殺”,這樣交易成功的機率就會大很多。


ArtCorgi makes it easy to discover and commission work from up-and-coming artists with minimal hassle and risk. Our process is designed to give you exactly what you want while also letting artists maintain creative control and expand their portfolios.

We created ArtCorgi to empower everyday people to commission unique art as gifts for friends, colleagues, and family (not to mention themselves!) with minimal hassle and maximum enjoyment, and to aid up-and-coming artists in their careers, helping them gain more coverage, new clients and fans, and fair payment for their work. Think of ArtCorgi as your friendly artist and client liaison. ArtCorgi delivers a safe, fun, and fair experience for all parties involved.

Using ArtCorgi, you can commission work from artists based on specific samples and styles of their work. This enables you to have a much better understanding of what you’ll get in return, and gives artists maximum control (though you’ll still be given a rough sketch to approve and comment on).

We are oriented around digital-only commissions, meaning you are only given digital files of the work your artist creates, regardless of whether it was made digitally or using physical media. With digital files at your disposal, you can easily order canvas prints, cards, posters, or shirts from the vendor of your choice at minimal cost (though we also offer limited print options). You can also easily convert your commissions into desktop and phone backgrounds, screensavers, profile images, and social media cover graphics.



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