
AllGroanup:保羅勵志話題分享部落格是一個致力於分享生活中勵志話題的部落格網站,創始人是一個幽默的作家,通過生活中的片段和小故事來分享人生中的不同方式,並且出版了自己的第一本書籍《101 Secrets for your Twenties》。



Despite the groan-inducing name, this blog is a fantastic read. Written by humorist Paul Angone, All Groan Up’s purpose is to empower twenty-somethings and help them understand who they are as members of Generation Y.

Unlike many of the other blogs that have been mentioned, All Groan Up leans more towards the philosophical side of the spectrum. It’s more about finding your identity and discovering what it means to transition into an adult. If you want twenty-something entertainment, try those other blogs instead.

It’s not easy being a twenty-something (relatively speaking, anyway) but these aforementioned blogs will help you in many ways. Are there any other blogs out there aimed at this generation? Share them with us in the comments!



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