Watchily視訊搜尋引擎集合了Amazon, Cinemax Go (Max Go), Comcast XFINITY, HBO Go, Hulu, iTunes, Netflix, Redbox, Showtime Anytime, Vudu等多個視訊媒體網站的資料庫檢索列表,讓你搜索國外的視訊內容而不需花費多少時間,也就是說非常快速的查詢你想要的視訊資源。同時還會提示你是否收費,是否可以線上觀看。
Watchily – is a search engine for when you are looking for legal sources to stream movies and TV programs. Just enter the name of the TV program or movie and it will give you the various legal sources that you can get it from (such as HBO , Netflix, Amazon, etc). You can filter the results by price, length, content rating, and genre.