TrenDir:家庭裝飾時尚雜誌是一個有專業的室內設計師Lillian Pikus創辦的基於室內裝修創意分享的部落格網站,每天更新室內設計趨勢,最新設計裡面和國際市場的室內設計動態資源。
Lillian Pikus擁有資深的行業經驗,她管理過很多的專案,從設計到安裝實施,接觸過不同的客戶和各種室內風格,憑藉自己的經驗和閱歷,使用者可以從他的推薦內容裡挖掘更多的室內裝修資源。
he is maintained by a professional interior designer Lillian Pikus. Lillian is a full house designer who handles multiple projects at the time. She manages every project to completion – from a design concept to an installation.
She deals with different levels of customers on a daily basis, and a variety of interior styles – traditional, transitional, contemporary and commercial. To satisfy her customers’ needs, she carefully watches the latest design trends and keeps her portfolio of the latest products up-to-date. This website is the reflection of her long-term experience and ongoing market and new products research.