TheDoDo:線上寵物圖片聚合網是由知名的新聞內容聚合站 BuzzFeed 聯合創始人 Jonah Peretti創辦的針對寵物圖片分享的網站,TheDoDo 只有讓人賞心悅目的可愛動物內容,明星的萌寵內容。
每天,人會將個人的人格、情感投射到網際網路上,我們也同樣消費那些在情感基礎上創作的社交媒體內容。而 The DoDo,就抓住了這一點心理,毫無包袱地製作這些那動物內容,並且吸引巨大的流量。
We’re witnessing a profound shift in the way people regard animals. They matter more to us now. We think of them less as objects at our disposal, as science increasingly reveals them to be intelligent, emotional, social beings that are not as different from us as we used to think they were.
We’re increasingly committed to learning about them, more interested in understanding and improving our relationships with them, and more passionate about protecting them. The Dodo will channel this shift every day by covering the most important and fascinating stories including photos, videos, Vines, etc. And we want you to join us: Share your stories, your pictures, your media, anything animal-related, and you’ll be part of an unprecedented community for all those who love animals, are concerned about their welfare — and want to make a difference.