
SoundFocus:基於聽障人群手機音樂應用是由斯坦福大學讀工程學的 Alex Selig 一位聽障人士,他與卡內基梅隆大學電腦科學專業的 Varun Srinivasan 正在開發一款針對聽障人士的音樂應用。SoundFocus 希望有一天做款硬體,除播放功能外,可將聽力修復功能整合進來。


SoundFocus 的功能還僅限於測試聽力水平,而後根據使用者聽力水平將播放的音樂調適到一個適合當前使用者的頻率。分別在高音區、中音區、低音區三個區間測出使用者所能聽見的最低聲音,而後在播放音樂時,SoundFocus 會按該頻率為使用者的提供清晰、悅耳的聲音體驗。SoundFocus 支援從 iTunes library 及 Spotify 中匯入音樂列表。其實即便沒有聽覺問題,SoundFocus 應用的測試功能也有利於我們保護聽力。

SoundFocus lets people with hearing loss listen to music in full fidelity with an iPhone or iPod Touch. This is done by tuning the music to each person’s unique hearing pattern and compensating for the sound frequencies they do not hear well.

Listen to music the way it was meant to be heard – from the lowest bass to the highest notes. SoundFocus gives people with hearing loss 20/20 hearing when listening to music on an iPhone or iPod Touch.

You can tune SoundFocus in less than a minute with a quick test that figures out which sound frequencies you do not hear well. Use the equalizer to enhance the audio even more. Choose from our equalizer presets or design your own.

We play all the music that you own and love – from your iTunes library to Spotify. We even support AirPlay so you can stream to your Apple TV and to AirPlay-enabled speakers.



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