


哈利·詹姆斯·波特(Harry James Potter)是英國女作家J.K.羅琳的著名魔幻系列小說與改編電影哈利·波特中的主人公。是詹姆·波特和莉莉·波特的獨生子,生於1980年7月31日,伊格諾圖斯·佩弗利爾後裔,教父為小天狼星·布萊克(被布萊克家族除名)根據原著所描述,2017年,哈利的妻子為金妮·韋斯萊 並育有三位孩子。在著名改編電影中,哈利·波特此角色由丹尼爾·雷德克里夫飾演,講述了一位魔法學院學生的成長冒險故事。

Pottermore is a unique online experience from J.K. Rowling, built around the Harry Potter books.Pottermore is the place to explore more of the magical world of Harry Potter than ever before and to discover exclusive new content from J.K. Rowling.

At launch, users can explore Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, follow the story and compete for the House Cup. Pottermore is available to users in English, French, German, Italian and Spanish (Castilian).

The Pottermore Shop allows readers to purchase the Harry Potter digital audio books and, for the first time, the Harry Potter eBooks.

For more information about Pottermore, please visit the Help, Terms & Conditions, andPrivacy Policy sections on our website. If you are a parent, and have questions about your child’s safety online, please read our Child Safety policy.



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