很久以前我們都有一個夢想,那就是走遍世界各地,欣賞不同文化和不同國家的風景,自從畢業、就業、成家以後這種夢想就隨之被埋沒,現在你可以通過別人的眼睛去觀察這個世界,Periscope 手機應用可以讓你通過其他人的視訊直播探索這個世界的風景。
Just over a year ago, we became fascinated by the idea of discovering the world through someone else’s eyes. What if you could see through the eyes of a protester in Ukraine? Or watch the sunrise from a hot air balloon in Cappadocia? It may sound crazy, but we wanted to build the closest thing to teleportation. While there are many ways to discover events and places, we realized there is no better way to experience a place right now than through live video. A picture may be worth a thousand words, but live video can take you someplace and show you around.