在很多情況下,這些便攜工具允許你儲存個人配置。所有經過評論的便攜工具,遊戲,應用程式,設施等都可以在相關的軟體類別中找到。 Pendriveapps.com網站釋出的很多免費便攜應用程式都可以在windows作業系統上執行。計劃逐步擴充套件線上目錄,將可以在mac或者linux平臺上執行的行動式應用程式囊括進來。
Independently reviewed and categorized Free Portable Software, Portable Freeware, and Open Source Portable Applications that can be stored and run directly from a USB Flash Drive, without the need to install the software to a PC. Bring your office applications, email, web browser, instant messaging software, games, graphical editors, media player, anti virus software, recovery tools, encryption utilities, P2P file sharing utilities and more with you.
Most, but not all of these freeware and open source third party portable apps were created by their respective authors with the ability to be run entirely from the portable device, and in many cases these portable tools allow you to save your personal settings, changes, and work created with the tools back to the same device.