


其中有一個專案:Campus Ecology幫助規劃和實施大學校園綠色專案(Find out ways to make college campuses more green!)。在這個網上有最新的校園環保年鑑,詳細記錄了美國大學的學生在推進校園可持續發展方面的努力和取得的成績。完整的美國校園環保現狀的評估報告,可以全文下載(PDF格式)。


Campus Ecology是美國野生動物聯盟(National Wildlife Foundation)已經開展了10多年的一個校園環保專案,它旨在將美國的大學校園轉變為生態可持續的示範社群,並培養新一代的環保人才。

National Wildlife Federation is a voice for wildlife, dedicated to protecting wildlife and habitat and inspiring the future generation of conservationists.

In the early 1900s, there was no nationwide constituency to support conservation. Many people cared about wildlife conservation, but nobody was organized in any fashion to advocate or influence policy decisions. In the words of NWF founder Ding Darling, “Wildlife doesn’t vote and neither do conservationists…”

Darling dreamed of a federation promoting conservation interests, encouraging social diversity, and demanding action from Congress. His dream became reality in 1936 when he convinced President Franklin Roosevelt to convene more than 2,000 hunters, anglers and conservationists from across the country to the first North American Wildlife Conference in Washington, DC.

There, the General Wildlife Federation (later changed to the National Wildlife Federation) was formed with the idea of uniting sportsmen and all outdoor and wildlife enthusiasts behind the common goal of conservation.



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