


唯美主義運動(Aesthetic movement)是於19世紀後期出現在英國藝術和文學領域中的一場組織鬆散的反社會的運動,發生於維多利亞時代晚期,大致從1868年延續至1901年,通常學術界認為唯美主義運動的結束以奧斯卡·王爾德被捕為標誌。

L’Esthète, pronounced /lɛstɛt/, is a person who is appreciative of and sensitive to art and beauty. Originally, from Greek aisthētēs – a person who perceives.

It can be the crisp flex of new leather. The subtly-blended scents of a wine cellar and the satisfying pop of the cork. Stories inspired and memories made in new places with old friends.

Sometimes it’s the salt tang on the air and the soft breeze through palms; waves’ sound on far-off exotic shores. But it’s also the music of cities: that meaningful pause between frantic notes when here and now becomes something more; an elevated moment made just for you. An adventure, rewarding of its own virtue whether in your own backyard or beyond.



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